Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Litter Detectives strike again!

Prep Litter Detectives were out and about again this week!
On Monday we decided to check to see if there was any rubbish in our playground - Monday is our only Tuckshop day and we wanted to see what the playground looked like after lunch.
So we collected our maps and rubber gloves and set out on our rubbish audit.

We were very disappointed to see quite a lot of rubbish in our school! So we marked the areas on our maps and picked up all the rubbish we could see.

We think we need to talk to the whole school about the amount of litter we saw!

The Preps are very keen to make posters reminding everyone not to drop their rubbish.

We want to have more paper chases.

One Prep said we should be a wrapper free school everyday!

What do you think we should do about the rubbish around our school? 
How can we encourage other students to pick up their rubbish?

Hamish's Voki

Today during computer Hamish made a Voki. Mrs Kennedy typed his message - we hope you like it!

Fantastic work Hamish.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Making Graphs and Collaborating

Earlier this week we worked with a partner to collect data (we went outside and looked for animals and insects - see hereand record our information using tallies
When we had collected our data and count our tallies then organise our information into a graph

We noticed:

Hannah and Raph

Peoples graphs were very different.

Eli and Sophia

There were different amounts of animals on the graphs.

Zachary and Nyandit

There were a lot of some animals and not so much of other animals.

Mrs David

Some people started their graph from the top of the page and not at the bottom. We noticed that the information was the still the same.

Here are some of our tally sheets and graphs:


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Collaborating for Maths

We are learning about graphs in Maths. Today we had to work with a partner (Prep D and Prep K together) to see what animals or insects we might see around our school. We had to think about how we could collect our data - and we talked about using tallies (IIIIas the quickest way to record what we saw. 
So .... off we went with our clipboards and our scientists hats on to see what we could see and collect our data.

We were surprised with the number of animals we did see. We saw birds, worms, ants, dragonflies, a lady bird, butterflies, slatters, flies and spiders.

When we had our data we went back to the classroom to add up our tallies and think about how we could present our information in a graph. We will be finishing our graphing tomorrow. 
Stay tuned ....!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Lemon Tree

The Environment Team have asked each class to take responsibility for one of our fruit trees and Prep K are looking after the lemon tree. We are also trying to be environmentally friendly - so Ms Scott gave us some drip feed watering tubes to help save water. Hamish brought a bottle from home (reusing) to attach to the tube and we used water from the drinking taps that had been collected in tubs (water saving) to fill our watering tubes. Now our lemon tree will have water all the time! We love looking after our lemon tree.

Reusing soft drink and water bottles for a watering system!

Water from the drinking taps.
How are you environmentally friendly?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Mexican Hat Dance!

On Friday we learnt a new dance - The Mexican Hat Dance
We had to concentrate and follow instructions to learn the steps. Some of them were a bit tricky but we had great fun!

Thanks Mrs Klein for a wonderful morning and for bringing those  very cool hats!

Dancing from Learning Together on Vimeo.

What is your favourite dance?
Tell us about it!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's Buddy Time!

These photos tell the story!

Thanks Mrs David for capturing the joy of Buddy Time and thanks to our Grade Sixes who make school a great place to be for our Preps! 

 Having Fun With Our Buddies on PhotoPeach

What is your favourite Buddy activity?
Why is your Buddy special to you?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What I Am!

Our favourite song in Prep! Preps teach your family the words and special dance moves!

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