Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013 Italian Day!

Today we had such a fantastic Italian Day! Thank you Signora Senzo for all your hard work and a big thank you to all the parents who helped out today!

Here is our day: 

Preps tell your family about today - what did you enjoy? What was your favourite activity?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Days of the Week!

We have been learning about the days of the week. Not only do we need to learn to read the days of the week and put them in the correct order, we also need to think about what happens on each day.

We have been talking about activities that we do on specific days and we have been practising time words - if today is Wednesday then yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow will be Thursday.

Here we are singing our 'Days of the Week' song - some Mums and Dads might recognise the tune!

Days of the Week from Learning Together on Vimeo.

What is your favourite day of the week? Tell us why!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

2013 Letterland Day!

On Wednesday we had Letterland Day! A BIG thank you to all our wonderful parents for their support and creative talents! The Preps were so excited and we had a fantastic day.
Here are our reflections of the day.

On Letterland Day we played on the monkey bars and we

were Letterland characters. Caitlin

I liked all the costumes because they had lots of work 

put into them. Rosie

I liked Letterland Day because we all dressed up as 

different characters. Joshua

We all have favourite Letterland characters and 

mine  is Yellow Yo-yo Man. Ebony

I dressed up as Golden Girl. I wore a yellow shirt and 

golden hair. Sophie

I liked all the Letterland activities like Letterland snap

and dot to dots. Pat

We watched a movie about Christmas in Letterland. My 

favourite part was when Zig Zag Zebra got the 

presents. James

On Letterland Day we had fun and I dressed up as 

Vicky Violet. Elva

On Wednesday we had Letterland Day and I dressed up 

as Golden Girl because my name starts with Golden 

Girl’s sound. Gracie

We dressed as Letterland characters and there were 

four Golden Girls. I dressed up as Vicky Violet. Olivia

On Letterland Day I liked watching the Letterland 

Christmas movie. Alexa

We had fun showing our costumes to the Grade Sixes. 


I liked going around and seeing every class because it 

was fun. Stephanie

I loved Letterland Day because we dressed up as our 

favourite character. My favourite was Clever Cat 

because she has a very long tail. Eva

On Wednesday it was Letterland Day I dressed up as 

Clever Cat because she starts with the same letter as 

me. Campbell

On Letterland Day I liked playing Letterland monkey 

bars. You choose a Letterland character and jump to the 

forward bar. Cormac

We had activities and my favourite activity was 

colouring Dippy Duck in. Declan

The Letterland games were good and we all had a good 

time on Letterland Day. Hamish

We went into the Discovery Centre and had a parade. 

We came up and told the parents what letter we were. 


On Letterland Day we all dressed up as chararcters 

from Letterland A to Z. We finished all our letters to 

have Letterland Day. Riley

I enjoyed Letterland Day because we dressed up as 

letters that we like. I dressed up as Jumping Jim because

my name starts with his letter. Joel

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Community Spirit at St. Luke's - Helping Others.

Today we had a mini market at school to raise money for children in the Philippines.

Our student Social Justice group organised and supervised stalls. Everyone came along today with their pocket money ready to join in the fun and help raise money for those less fortunate than us. 

Parents and friends were invited and community spirit was well and truly alive!  

The Preps were in charge of the Sweets and Lollies stall. Due to the generosity and kindness of our Prep families and families in the school we were able to raise $200.00!! - just from the lolly stall. Stay tuned for our overall amount.

Declan's mum, Sonya and Niamh's mum, Madeline did a fantastic job bagging up all the lollies! Thank you so much! 

Thank you to those parents who sent along lollies already bagged and to those who did some home baking. A fantastic effort by everyone.

Mrs Gridley prepared a PowerPoint to show where our fundraising money would go and how it will be used.

Supporting children in the philippines from vgridley

We are very lucky to have all that we do.
Why is it important to share what we have with others?

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