Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Thank you to all our new friends who have visited our blog. We are now at the end of our school year and look forward to a long Summer break. We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.

We look forward to sharing all our new learning and discoveries in 2011!

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Action.

Today was a very special day for Prep S and Prep K at St. Luke's. In term two we made a calendar to raise money for the homeless people in our Melbourne community. Thanks to the generosity of our families and friends at St. Luke's we raised $900.00! Netty Horton from St. Vincent de Pauls came to our school today and told us a bit about her job at St. Vinnies and how our money will be used. The money we raised will go towards feeding about 400 people on Christmas day. We are so proud of our Preps and their wonderful contribution to our local community.

Our Term 2 learning that lead to this action is detailed here

Friday, November 26, 2010

Toothpick Shapes!

We explored shapes using toothpicks and playdough. Some of us made three dimensional shapes. We are learning together. 


Friday, November 19, 2010

Our Friends!

We have been writing about our friends and why we like to be with them. We are also practising 'smooth' reading, using a clear voice and speaking so everyone can hear. Enjoy our stories.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More Smarty Pants!

Today we explored Maths Smart, Word Smart and Art Smart.
We worked together and rotated around the activities.
Look at us at work.
What Smart are you? Let us know!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Music Smart - Classical Mandalas

Created by Prep K.

Smarty Pants - Our Reflections!

This voicethread is a work in progress. As we complete each Smart the children reflect on how they feel about the activities.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Maths Smart - Tangrams.

Today we were Maths Smart. We explored tangrams. First we played and made different pictures. Then we tried to make a square shape using our seven pieces. This was hard - but we did not give up. Mrs Kennedy gave us one to look at and copy.
Zac was the first Prep to make his square.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Smarty Pants!

Our term four Inquiry is Have A Go - Smarty Pants. We are discovering that we all learn in different ways and have talents in many areas. Are you Art Smart? Maths Smart? Body Smart? Music Smart? Nature Smart or Word Smart? This week we looked at Nature Smart. We each chose an animal and then had to draw its habitat.
Here are our pictures.

What do you think? Which Smarty Pants are you?

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Action - Reaching Out

As part of our Inquiry learning in term two, we discovered that all living things need food, water, shelter and protection to survive. We decided that our final action for this unit would be to raise money for the homeless, those people who do not have shelter and protection and a place to sleep at night. To raise this money we created a calendar to sell to our school community. The theme of our calendar was 'Responsible Pet Care'. We chose our favourite pets and wrote pet care rules for each pet. We used line and pattern to make each picture. We are very proud of our calendar and our school community who have supported us.

Click and hold on the photos to enlarge.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Working Together.

Today we worked with a partner and 'shared the pencil'. We were writing to our school families to tell them about a special project we are working on. Together we talked about what we would write and then we remembered all the things we have to do when writing. We helped each other to spell words, keep our writing on the lines, put spaces between words and reread our writing to check that it made sense. We love writing!

Here we are in action!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why is it good to have a go?

Prep K is on holidays at the moment. We are looking forward to an exciting term four. Our big question for next term is Why is it good to have a go? Why is it important to try new things and not give up if we find tasks difficult?

Share your ideas with us.
Why is it important to try new things and not give up?
We hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. See you soon!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reflecting on our learning and an action plan!

I am very proud of how much the Preps have learnt about caring for the environment. I asked them to reflect on what they had learnt and what they could do (action) - right now - everyday - to care for our world. Here are their responses. The environment is in good hands! Fantastic Preps.

What do you think?
What will you do everyday to care for the environment?
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Prep News!

We have had a very busy time in Prep. See our photos below (hint - to enlarge the photos hover the mouse over a photo and you will see a magnifying glass. Just click and the photo will become larger).
Footy Day, Our Art Show, Italian Day.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

What can we do to care for our school environment?

We made posters to spread our messages to everyone in the school so that we can all be responsible for caring for the environment! At playtime and lunchtime the Preps make annoucements over the PA to remind everyone of our important messages.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


In Maths we have been learning about graphs. Last Wednesday we made graphs with skittles. First we had to sort our skittles into colours. Then we placed them on our page and Mrs Kennedy took a photo of every graph. Then we looked at each others graphs to see if they were all the same. The best part was when we ate the skittles (after we had drawn our graphs!). Here are our graphs.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Book Week - Across the Story Bridge.

We had a Book Week parade and we came dressed as our favourite book characters.
What is your favourite picture story book? Let us know.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

David and Goliath.

Here are our paintings of the story of David and Goliath.
(click on the black cross at the bottom right hand side of the slide show to remove the ad)

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