Monday, February 21, 2011

Prep Charter

Today we talked about what we need to do to have a happy year in Prep.
Here is our charter.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pat the Fat Cat!

We tried to write one sentence using as many 'at' words as we could.
How many 'at' words can you put into a sentence?
We love rhymes!

What a busy week in Prep.

Take a look at our busy week!
The Preps are settling into school and enjoying making new friends.
Here are just some of our activities!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!

A new year has begun and a new group of Preps are settling into school life. We made these fantastic frogs on logs for our birthday wall. We hope you enjoy our art work!

Happy Birthday! on PhotoPeach

Happy Birthday! on PhotoPeach

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