Friday, February 18, 2011

Pat the Fat Cat!

We tried to write one sentence using as many 'at' words as we could.
How many 'at' words can you put into a sentence?
We love rhymes!


  1. Pat the fat cat, was blind as a bat. He caught a sprat and squashed it flat.

  2. Pat the fat cat saw a rat with a bat on the mat near the vat and sat down with a hat and said, "Scat!"

    What a great way to play with words.

    From Mrs S

  3. I babySAT an aristoCRAT young pussyCAT at the laundroMAT! While chasing a GNAT on the thermoSTAT it fell in the VAT and THAT was THAT! But an acroBAT jumped in the VAT and save that curious pussyCAT!

  4. Wow! You know lots of "at" words. I love your great big "at" sentence!

    Miss Dunsiger
    Grade 1/2 Teacher
    Ancaster, ON, Canada

  5. The fat cat sat on the black rat's hat.
    Now the rats hat is flat !

    Sorry I don't know big words like Mrs Yore !

  6. Here's a poem my first graders like:
    Fat cat
    Fat cat sat
    Fat cat sat on me!
    That's that!

    We like to draw a picture of ourselves under the cat too. Have fun!

  7. Hi A4 we love your 'at' sentence. Thanks for sharing. Mrs Kennedy is going to write everyone's ideas up next to our cats. :)

    Thanks Mrs S - that is a great sentence all the way from Tasmania! Thanks for commenting. :)

    Mrs Yore you are very talented! What a very clever sentence with so many 'at' words. Thanks.

    Thank you Miss Dunsinger for visiting our blog and commenting. We had lots of fun writing our sentence and now we have more to share! Thank you.

    Hello Mrs Coffa. Thanks for your sentence - it is going straight up next to our cats. :)

    Hi Stars - we love your poem and Mrs Kennedy is going to let us draw some pictures too. Thank you for commenting all the way from America and sharing a fun activity.

    From Prep K and Mrs Kennedy


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