Friday, September 30, 2011

Just look at this!

Our Quadblogging friends from Point View School in New Zealand made a video of their school - all by themselves! They explain below how they did it.

Room 3 decided to make a video for our Quadblogging friends.
It is a wonderful tour around our school.
We used the ipods to video each other.

We had to make sure we didn't put our finger over the view finder and
we had to make sure we kept the ipod as still as we could and
we had to make sure when we filmed moving around that we didn't
move the ipod too fast.
We also had to think carefully about what we would say to make it interesting
for others to listen to.

What do you think about our first video made by us?

Amazing! Fantastic work Room 3.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Our Action - Reuse and Reduce!

This term our Inquiry Learning has been about reusing products and recycling to reduce landfill. Prep S and Prep K discovered a problem at our school - we use too much paper. So we worked through a Problem Solving Strategy to decide what we could do to change the way we use paper at St. Luke's. After much discussion and considering the pros and cons of all ideas, the Preps decided to make a video about how we can stop using too much paper. Together we wrote a script - practised our lines and made props to make our video.
We want all our classes to put this video on their blogs to share this very important message.

Taking Action that Matters!

What will you do today to stop using so much paper?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crazy Hair Day! Taking Action that Matters.

Last Thursday we had a 'Crazy Hair' Day to raise money for drought stricken Africa.

Here are the Preps explaining our action led by our Student Social Justice team.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
This free digital scrapbook customized with Smilebox

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to Prep!

This week Prep S and Prep K are the focus blogs in our Quadblogging adventure. We welcome all our friends from Stoke Bishop Primary School Bristol UK, Mrs England's Kindergarten, Kentucky USA and Point View School, Auckland New Zealand. We are so excited to have visitors from around the world. We have already shared and learnt so much from each other.
We have made this slideshow to show you our school and just some of the activities we do in Prep.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's Holidays!

Here in Melbourne, Australia we have just begun a two week holiday. Last night I started my holiday break by going to the footy. In Australia we follow the AFL (Australian Football League) and the finals have begun. My team Collingwood played at the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) against Hawthorn. It was a very exciting game and Collingwood won! (by 3 points). Next Saturday they will play in the Grandfinal against either Geelong or West Coast Eagles (depending on who wins today). The crowd was amazing! What a great way to start the holidays!
My nieces after the game - the whole family barracks for Collingwood.

What are you doing in the holidays?
Share with us here!
Keep visiting our blog during the holidays because we are continuing our Quadblogging adventure and will be adding posts over the week.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Skyping our blogging friends in New Zealand

We were so lucky to meet our Quadblogging buddies from Point View School in  New Zealand on Wednesday. Listen to our audiboo to hear what we learnt.

Room 3 Point View School
Go Wallabies!

Go All Blacks!

Room 3 doing the haka!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Our mat made from plastic bags is now finished! Read about how and why we made this mat here

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Letterland Day!

Today we dressed up as our favourite Letterland characters. We also skyped our friends at Point View school in New Zealand and told them all about Letterland Day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

What is a blog?

Our friends at Point View school in New Zealand asked 'What is a blog?'
Prep S and Prep K made a Tagxedo with all the words we could think of to describe what a blog is.
Do you notice anything about the shape of our Tagxedo?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A voicethread from our friends at Stoke Bishop in the UK.

The children at Stoke Bishop Primary school have made a voicethread to tell us about themselves and answer some questions asked by Point View school. These children have only been at school for a couple of weeks! We love their voicethread.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Testa, Spalle, Ginocchi, Pedi! Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes!

We have been inspired by our quadblogging buddies in New Zealand. They sent us a video of their Maori body parts song (see below).

At St. Luke's we learn Italian, so today our Italian teacher, Signora Senzo, helped Prep S and Prep K sing 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' in italian!

Here are the words:

Testa, spalle, ginocchi piedi, ginocchi piedi.
Testa, spalle, ginocchi piedi, ginocchi piedi.

Ho due occhi, un naso, la bocca, e due orecchi.
Testa, spalle, ginocchi piedi, ginocchi piedi.

Testa, spalle, ginocchi piedi, ginocchi piedi.
Testa, spalle, ginocchi piedi, ginocchi piedi.
Ho due occhi, un naso, la bocca, e due orecchi.
Testa, spalle, ginocchi piedi, ginocchi piedi.

Can you work out what the words mean by following the actions of the song?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

From our friends in New Zealand!

Our friends from New Zealand have sent us this wonderful video about body parts.

Maori Body Parts Song
Mahunga, pakihiwi, puku, hope, waewae
Mahunga, pakihiwi, puku, hope, waewae
Mahunga, pakihiwi, puku, hope, waewae
Taringa, whetu, ihu, waha

Head, shoulders, tummy, hips, legs/feet
Ears, eyes, nose, mouth

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Our Inquiry this term has been Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. After watching a youtube video titled 'The Journey of the Plastic Bag' we were wondering how we could reduce the amount of bags going to landfill. We decided to make a mat out of plastic bags. We haven't finished our mat yet - so stayed tuned!
Here is how we did it.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! on PhotoPeach

What do you do to reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill?

Do you reuse or recycle old products to make new products?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sooo exciting! Father's Day Breakfast, Footy Day and .....

Today we had a lovely breakfast for our Dads and we came dressed in our footy team colours (AFL - Australian Football League). We also had a visit from the 2010 Prepmiership Cup won by Mrs Kennedy's and Mrs Swann's favourite team - Collingwood!
We had photos with the cup - here they are:

The AFL Premiership Cup - Collingwood
Go Collingwood!

Here are some more photos of a great day!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

The Preps drew pictures of their Dads in Tux paint and then we put them into a voicethread. We hope all our Dads have a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday.

I love my Dad because ........

Send Voicemail