Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Litter Detectives!

For our Inquiry this term we are looking at how we can make a difference to the environment by reducing landfill through reusing and recycling

Today we were Litter Detectives and went for a walk around our neighbourhood  to see if we would find any rubbish. Luke, Hannah and Aly had a map of our streets and when we saw some rubbish they marked it on the map. We took photos of the kinds of rubbish that we saw.

This is what we discovered:

There was no rubbish around the shops at the end of our street. We think that might be because there were two rubbish bins for people to put their rubbish in.

The other streets around our school looked very clean and rubbish free.

In the street that our school is on, we saw quite a bit of rubbish and we were surprised. We think the rubbish was there because
  • there are no rubbish bins in the street
  • people have dropped their wrappers and containers
  • the wind may have blown it out of rubbish bins
  • the rubbish has fallen out of bins when the garbage collector has picked up the bins
We looked at the rubbish and we thought that some of the rubbish had been on the street for a long time. Some of the bottles and plastic containers should have been put in the recycling bin. 

We have a problem!
What can we do to help clean up our street?
Please let us know your ideas!

Preps, talk to your families and friends and see if you can find an answer to our problem.

Here are some photos of our discoveries:

Litter Detectives! on PhotoPeach


  1. Hi Preps,
    What fabulous 'Litter Detectives' you were. I am sorry that I wasn't there. It looks like Mrs Kennedy did a great job collecting the rubbish. I wonder how much rubbish is in our school yard?
    Mrs David

  2. Hi Prep K,

    Great job as usual! I know there is an organistaion call" Keep Australia Beautiful". You can check out their website: to find out some solutions.



  3. WOW Preps! What a collection of litter you found. How can we get the message out to people to stop littering and making our streets a dirty place? What woderful learning! Good job! Hannah P. (Tom's big sister)

  4. Hey preps,
    Wow your blog is amazing I have never actually been on it before now I know I should more often to see what you are up to! I think that you all did well looking for rubbish around the streets and that people MUST pick up there rubbish becouse it can kill sea animals and pollute our air!
    Thank you for doing such great work!
    From you grade 6 friend Ruby!:)

  5. Hi Prep K did you find any fiexibbe plastic?
    from Mia

  6. Hi Preps,
    I think that you should go around the school yard to check for rubbish
    From Emma

  7. We need our environment clean. So we could have a clean up day. When we went to CERES Nick told us about what they do. In the Merri creek a long time ago there was a broken car in the creek and there were old pieces in the water.

  8. Hi Prep K
    on the weekend I went to echuca and on the way home we saw lots of rubbish we all need to make sure our rubbish goes in the bin from hannah

  9. Thank you Hannah for your great message! We all need to look after our rubbish.

    From Mrs Kennedy :)


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