Sunday, May 19, 2013

What do you notice?

Hi Preps,
When I was at school checking the chicks I noticed something. Have a look at the photos below. What do you notice? Ask Mum or Dad to help you write a comment!

What do you notice?


  1. The chicks wings have turned white - alexa

  2. Feathers! The baby chicks feathers are growing. How exciting.

  3. Hi Preps and Mrs Kennedy,
    I saw the photos. I wonder if all the feathers on the chicks will be white or if some will be a different colour!
    From Declan

  4. They are fluffy! The feathers are white! -Eva

  5. Thank you Alexa, Hamish, Declan and Eva for your comments. Yes our chicks are growing and changing very quickly. Have you noticed any other changes?

    From Mrs Kennedy :)

  6. The chicks have white wings and have grown a bit. The eggs have all hatched now and we have 14 chicks.
    From Olivia

  7. The chicks have grown white feathers, they are really cute! i really love seeing them at school. Can't wait to see them grow up! Chantelle

  8. Hi Olivia and Chantelle,
    Thanks for your comments. We are so lucky to have these beautiful chicks in our room. We can see how much the older chicks have changed and their new wing feathers mean they growing up. Will the chicks be able to fly when they grow feathers on their wings? What do you think?
    From Mrs Kennedy

  9. Dear Preps,
    I have three chickens at home in my garden.
    Jack D


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