Wednesday, July 31, 2013

National Tree Day

Last Friday the whole school was a part of National Tree Day. We planted thirty new trees and added mulch to our garden beds. Every class was allocated a special job. The Preps and Seniors were in charge of planting 15 of the thirty trees. We are very excited to watch them grow. They will help make our school look beautiful!
Thanks Mrs E for helping us plant the trees. Thanks to Ms Scott and Mrs David who did a lot of organising and to the Environment Team for coordinating the day and always reminding us to look after our environment. A BIG thank you to Niamh's dad Scott who dug all of the holes so we could plant our trees.
Here are some photos of the Preps and seniors working hard - taken by Nick from the Environment Team. Thanks Nick!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

How does your school care for the environment?


  1. The garden looks lovely, what's so special about these trees is that over the next 6 years the preps will be able to watch them grow. Emma (Alexa's mum)

  2. What a fantastic effort! Looking after the environment is very important.Well done Preps.
    We are looking forward to watching them grow over the years.Kim (Olivia's mum)

  3. I am very pleased to have been able to help out with such a wonderful project. It looks like everyone had fun helping to improve the school's environment.

    from Scott (Niamh's dad).


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