Thursday, May 19, 2011

Racing Rabbit!

We now have some new visitors in the Prep classrooms. Meet Blue Bell the rabbit doe and her beautiful kittens - all seven of them!

After school when it was nice and quiet we let Blue Bell out for some exercise. She loved exploring the classrooms - it only took us a little while to catch her and put her back into the hutch.

Here are some photos the Preps have taken of Blue Bell and her baby kittens.

Blue Bell needs food and water. Photo by Will P

Wally is watching the kittens. Photo by Kirra
Blue Bell loved stretching out on the floor.


  1. Your doe and kittens are so cute! Stu and Chester love to explore our classrooms, too. But beware because rabbits like to chew through wires. Last year, Stu chewed our telephone wire into three pieces. Stu is easy to catch, but it is very tricky trying to catch Chester.

  2. I love bunnies! When our rabbit, Chelsea, had babies, my two daughters would wrap them up in bunny rugs and wheel them around the house in their doll's pram.Those bunnies were very patient! I love your blog.

  3. Thanks A4!
    Blue Bell has already found a little corner of the carpet that she likes nibble on! We will have to watch her very closely. Rabbits are a bit rascally aren't they?
    From Prep K

  4. Thank you for your kind comment Beth. We are amazed by our baby rabbits - they are so small and most of us hadn't seen a baby rabbit before. We are learning lots from them.
    From Prep K

  5. You're so lucky to have rabbits in your classroom to watch them grow.
    Did you see any rabbits at the rspca today and if so were you able to pick them up?

  6. i'm wondering when the rabbits will open their eyes? Maureen

  7. Hello Maureen,
    Thank you for your question.
    The rabbits have started to open their eyes this week so they are about 11 days old.
    From Prep K

  8. Thank you Renae and Kelly for your question.
    We din't see any rabbits but we did see guinea pigs. (Caoimhe)
    We were feeding and patting them. (Kirra)


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