Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where's Wally?

We made giraffes to show to A3 and A4 (our friends in New Zealand) when we skyped on Wednesday. We hid Wally amongst all our giraffes and asked - WHERE'S WALLY?

Where's Wally?

Can you spot Wally?


  1. What a way to make Wally feel at home - very cute. I love those giraffe's Preps.

  2. We really enjoyed seeing your giraffes, they are very cool. We like their big eyes and eyelashes. We are going to the Auckland zoo in two weeks and we might see a real giraffe. We are very excited.

  3. Woof, woof Prep K,
    I loved playing `Where's Wally?'! I used my eyes and looked very closely and I think I spotted Wally! He was very well camoflagued though amongst your sensational giraffes! I especially like their long necks. I wonder what Wally will get up to next?
    Bow wow for now,
    Ruckus the Reading dog

  4. Hello Ruckus!
    We love reading Where's Wally books in Prep. We had so much fun making our giraffes and hiding Wally. Our friends in New Zealand (Wally is their mascot) enjoyed looking for Wally when we skyped them.
    Wally will be going home soon - we will miss him but we are looking forward to seeing our wombats Wattle and Wally.
    Say hi to K/1D!
    From your friends Prep K

  5. Hi A4
    Have a great time at the Zoo - we hope you do see a giraffe. They are Mrs Kennedy's favourite animal. What other animals do you think you will see?
    From your friends Prep K

  6. Hi Prep K, I finally found Wally but only with the help of Oscar.

  7. Hi Beck
    Thanks for your comment. We are glad that Oscar helped you to find Wally.
    From Prep K

  8. We loved the giraffes; very clever, very tall and great friends for Wally, Matt

  9. Dear Prep K,
    I love your giraffes! I'm not as smart as all of you though because I can't find Wally :(
    Andy, you will have to show me where I can find Wally!
    Keep up the great work,
    Andy's Aunty Emily


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