Saturday, August 3, 2013

PJ Day!

One of our favourite days at school is PJ Day. On this day we wear our PJ's to school, bring our favourite bedtime toy and have toast for breakfast. Most importantly we raise money for Melbourne Citymission to help them care for those people in our community who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 
Here we are having a fun day for a great cause!

PJ Day! - slideshows

Why is it important to show that we care for those people in our community who are less fortunate than us?


  1. It looks like you had alot of fun in your pajamas preps! Your breakfast looked yummy. I think it's important to help those less fortunate than us in our community, because that's what God teaches us.
    Sarah (Sophie's Mum)

  2. You all looked very funny in your pyjamas at school preps! It was great to see all the teachers in their pyjamas as well!
    It is fantastic that you also raised money for people less fortunate than us.
    From Sonya, Declan's mum

  3. From Alexa: it is important to care for those less fortunate because they don't have a home or food like we do, so we can help them by raising money.

  4. What fun you had on PJ day preps. I wish I could have stayed in my pj's all day too. I think it is so important to help others that are in need as it gives them something that we all have - bed, warmth, clothes, food and it helps us to be aware not to always take these things for granted. Suzi (Caitlin's mum)


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