Monday, August 19, 2013

What Am I?

We have been writing What Am I?'s in Literacy. With our partner we thought of an animal and wrote the clues. We learnt that it is important not to make the first clue too easy! After we had written our What Am I?'s we practised reading clearly and fluently and recorded our clues on audioboo. Can you guess the animals?

Check out our audiboos over the next couple of days. You can put your answers in the comment box.

Today we have: 

Campbell and Niamh
Eva and Joshua
Gracie and Joel
Elva and James

listen to ‘What Am I?’ on Audioboo

Write a 'What Am I?' with your family and paste it in the comment box.


  1. Hello Preps,

    We think we know your Who Am I's! Campbell and Niamh is yours an emu? Eva and Joshua is yours a green tree frog? Gracie and Joel is yours a giraffe? Elva and James is yours a fish?

    From The Springer Family

  2. Is the second last what am I a giraffe.
    Is the first what am I a emu or an ostrich
    From Natalie in year 3 at school

  3. I am normally round, but sometimes rectangular.
    I have springs on my sides.
    Sometimes I have a net and sometimes I don't.
    I am very bouncy.
    I am played on a lot.
    What am I?

    I can be lots of different colours.
    I am most often round.
    I normally have a wrapper.
    I have a long stick.
    Kids especially love me.
    What am I?

    From Caitlin

  4. Well done preps! I really enjoyed guessing your what am I puzzles.
    You spoke very clearly on your audio boos.

    WHAT am I?
    I am furry.
    I have big fluffy ears.
    I am Australian.
    I love to eat gum leaves.
    I am a ......

    Good luck
    Mrs Verona Gridley

  5. What am I?
    I have 4 legs
    I have a long tongue
    I chew bones
    I can be different colours



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