Saturday, November 30, 2013

Collaborating in Maths - Subtraction

Last Friday the Preps were very lucky to have a Maths session with the Junior students. They wanted to teach us about Subtraction. Each Junior student had made a poster showing their understanding of what subtraction is. Mrs Klein and Tom showed us a new game on the IWB using a number line. You could use addition or subtraction to play the game. 

Then we broke up into small groups with Preps, Grade Ones and Grade Twos to play lots of subtraction games. 

It was wonderful to see the Preps learning with the Juniors and to see how supportive the Juniors were. The Preps were so excited to learn new games and practise their skills in Maths. Well done everyone and a big thank you to Mrs Klein for a great idea and for all your organisation.

Sharing our learning - Subtraction on PhotoPeach

Friday, November 29, 2013

Fire Education

Today we had a second visit from the Firefighters. We were allowed to sit in the fire truck and hold onto the fire hose and spray water. We have learnt many important messages about fire safety.

We learnt:

If you hear the smoke alarm

Crawl down low

If your clothes catch fire 


In an emergency call 000

Talk to your family about a safe meeting place in case of an emergency - the Firefighters suggested your letterbox is a good place to meet.

The Firefighters! on PhotoPeach

Future Fire Fighters! from Learning Together on Vimeo.

A big thank you to Firefighters Steve, Len, Craig and Mark. We have learnt so much about being safe in case of a fire. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Our Rainbow!

We have created our wonderful rainbow made from lots of materials that would have gone to landfill. You can read about our action here. We are trying hard to reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill and have created a beautiful piece of art.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Wonderful World!

As part of our inquiry this term we have made a video with messages about how all of us can care for the environment

We worked together in groups to think of our message, worked out the words we would say and collected the props we needed. 

Here is our video!

Our Wonderful World from Learning Together on Vimeo.

If you could send a message out to the world about caring for the environment, what would it be?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy Holidays Elva!

One of our beautiful friends Elva is leaving for an overseas holiday. She will not be back to school before the end of the year. Today we had a goodbye celebration for Elva and we wish Elva and her family a very happy and safe trip. 

Thank you for being such a wonderful Prep Elva, always smiling and happy, always kind and prepared to help others. See you next year!

It's bubble time!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Reuse and create Art!

We are working very hard to look after the environment and reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfill. Over the term the Preps have collected small items that would normally be thrown away - buttons, bottle tops, bits of ribbon, material pieces, coloured paper, beads and so much more!
We are going to create a colourful rainbow with all our reusable items and give a gift to the environment - reducing rubbish in landfill.

Thank you to all our families who sent along bits and pieces for our creation. 

Stayed tuned for the finished piece!

Our Rainbow on PhotoPeach
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