Friday, November 29, 2013

Fire Education

Today we had a second visit from the Firefighters. We were allowed to sit in the fire truck and hold onto the fire hose and spray water. We have learnt many important messages about fire safety.

We learnt:

If you hear the smoke alarm

Crawl down low

If your clothes catch fire 


In an emergency call 000

Talk to your family about a safe meeting place in case of an emergency - the Firefighters suggested your letterbox is a good place to meet.

The Firefighters! on PhotoPeach

Future Fire Fighters! from Learning Together on Vimeo.

A big thank you to Firefighters Steve, Len, Craig and Mark. We have learnt so much about being safe in case of a fire. 


  1. How exciting to sit in a fire truck and what an important message to remember, Emma

  2. Thank you Firefighters for teaching us about good fires and bad fires. I learnt that when there is smoke on the air that I have to crawl down low and go go go!
    From Hamish

  3. What a great experience and such important messages to learn. You are all so lucky to have so many wonderful things given/taught to you at St Luke's. I think that especially as the weather gets hotter, it is a really important reminder for all of us. Another wonderful initiative. Does anyone think that one day they might like to become a firefighter? Suzi

  4. WOW preps, looks like you had lots of fun, while learning important information. I know Olivia really looked forward to the Firefighters coming to visit. Kim

  5. Preps did Riley tell you his grandfather was a Station Officer in the Fire Brigade for over 30 years. Riley got to ride in a Fire Engine and wear his grandfather's real fireman helmet. Firemen do so much more than fight fires. Do you know what else Firemen do when on the job?


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