Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Wonderful World!

As part of our inquiry this term we have made a video with messages about how all of us can care for the environment

We worked together in groups to think of our message, worked out the words we would say and collected the props we needed. 

Here is our video!

Our Wonderful World from Learning Together on Vimeo.

If you could send a message out to the world about caring for the environment, what would it be?


  1. Thank you Preps for reminding us that we can all make a difference and look after the environment.
    I am particularly pleased you reminded everyone about which rubbish bins to sort our rubbish into.Very practical information. Great work Preps.

  2. Hi preps
    Its great to see people looking after the world and its habitats.
    I think your message is really strong and it will make a huge affect on our school and
    our parish .
    Keep up the awsome work
    Angus (Niamhs brother in grade 3)

  3. Great job on doing the video Preps. Now I think everybody will now know where to put their rubbish in the right bin. It will help the composters so they don't need tell people where to put fruit scraps and veggie scraps and remember to put your mandarin, orange peels in the bin.
    Brandon C in Middle S

  4. What a great film, you are never too young to look after our world, Emma

  5. That was a great show Preps, I loved watching it! Great work. We all need to look after the wonderful world we live in.
    -Eva's mum

  6. Hi preps, we learnt a lot of things about not litterring from Lucas and Jordi

  7. What great thing to do preps you have taught me the right rubbish to put in the rights bin and never litter. Looked like you had fun making this video and keep up the good work

    Hailey :)

  8. What a great message for all of us to help protect and respect our environment. I loved the way you showed us how to recycle different waste.
    Congratulations for your team effort to help save the environment.
    From Madeleine .M
    (senior G)

  9. I like your video because it teaches somone to pick up rubbish.from Luke s
    If you see rubbish do you pick it up? by Gai

  10. This is a great way to show people how to recycle!
    Showing them everyday things that happen all over the world and how they can easily be fixed!
    Keep up the good work.
    Senior MY St Lukes


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