Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Promises to care for the Environment

This term we have been learning about how we can care for the environment. To finish our unit we have thought about a personal action we can take to help reduce waste going to landfill, to reuse items and to recycle all the materials we can.

Our hope is that our families, friends and school community will support us and work with us to carry out our promises.

This term we have learnt that small actions can make a BIG difference to our environment.

Hint - you can press pause on the slideshow to read each promise.

Our Promises for the Environment on PhotoPeach

What is your promise to the environment? 


  1. That is a fantastic slideshow preps! Our environment will be much better if you all keep your promises! Keep up the good work. From Sonya, Declan's mum

  2. Well done Preps, our environment is in good hands! Olivia I am looking forward to your help this summer watering the garden, using recycled water, of course! Kim.

  3. They are really great environment preservation promises Preps. Caitlin recently decided to make a list of jobs she needed to do before going to school each day and one of them was her promise of watering the plants from the drink bottles rather than tipping them out down the sink. I promise to remind her of this even when school has finished for the year! Suzi

  4. Good on you for making these inspiring promises Preps! We wish you all the best in keeping your promises and creating a more green and healthy environment! - Matt

  5. Preps you are amazing. You have all demonstrated such a wonderful understanding of how we can all help in our own way to care for our environment. The future of our planet is in very good hands if you can all keep your promises. You are STARS!!
    Simone Clements


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