Saturday, August 14, 2010

David and Goliath.

Here are our paintings of the story of David and Goliath.
(click on the black cross at the bottom right hand side of the slide show to remove the ad)


  1. Amazing work Preps. I learnt all about David and Goliath!

    From Mrs Yore

  2. Thank you Mrs Yore for all your beautiful comments. We are glad that we could help you to learn about David and Goliath.
    From Prep K

  3. That was a great way to make something

  4. I really enjoyed painting David and Goliath. How did you make the puzzles Mrs Kennedy?

  5. Hi Lachlan
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend - have you had hail stones today?
    The puzzle effect is part of the many styles you can chose to present your photos on 'Slide' - a program that I use to show everyone your great work. There are all kinds of effects in the program - I have alot of fun choosing the one I think looks the best. I can show you at school - maybe you can make one of your own! Glad you liked painting David and Goliath.
    Have fun
    Love from Mrs Kennedy


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