Saturday, August 7, 2010

PJ Day Glog

Click on the link below to see our glog about PJ Day.

PJ Day: text, images, music, video Glogster


  1. Dear Preps,
    I love my vegemite toast too!!!! I love the graph, and the photos, and the glogster ...... I love it all

  2. Dear Preps,

    I had a great time on Friday making toast with you. You did a great job explaining the steps involved and ordering your sentences. Eating the toast was definitely the best bit!Your excitement was infectious.I hope to see you all again soon. Deborah

  3. Thank you Mrs Coffa for commenting on our blog. We had a great day and enjoyed PJ Day.

    Thank you Deborah for making toast with us it was yummy! You are the best toast maker.
    From Prep K

  4. Dear Preps,

    You all look like you had a wonderful time on PJ day and eating all that yummy toast. Well done Deb for a great toasting effort!

    What lucky Preps you are that you have so many wonderful activities organised for you at St Lukes.

  5. Dear Kim
    Thank you for commenting on our blog. We did have a great time and we enjoyed eating our toast and helping the homeless people.
    from Prep K

  6. Dear Prep K, I really enjoyed looking at your blog! There are some great photos of PJ Day. I love the story of Moses - the pictures are fantastic! From Pauline and Jacob

  7. I had a great time on PJ day. I loved wearing my PJ to school and had a great time a movie night.

  8. Thank you Pauline and Jacob we enjoyed reading your comment. The story of Moses was really fun to make.
    From Prep K

  9. We are so glad you had a wonderful day on PJ Day and movie night William.


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