Thursday, August 12, 2010

Recycling, Reusing, Reducing

What do you do at home to recycle and reuse? Let us know!
We want to make a difference and look after our environment.


  1. Hey Guys ... What a great job you are doing learning about recycling! My name is Trish and I teach Grade 1 in Ballarat, Australia. We have done a lot of work at our school over the last few years to learn about recycling and looking after our world. One of the most fun things we did was tip out our rubbish bin and sort out the different kinds of rubbish! The kids were really surprised with what they found out and thought it was 'really cool' to tip out all the rubbish! We also have 'wrapper free days' at school - we call them 'Nude Food Days!'. I'd love to read more about what you guys are up to and if you'd like a class to share some ideas and stories with check our blog at Have fun, learn heaps and keep thinking of new wats to recycle! Bye for now. Trish

  2. We don't have a recycling program where I live and no close recycling places either. I do turn off the water when I brush my teeth though.:)

  3. Thanks for your comment Trish. We will definitely look at your blog and share our ideas with your Grade ones. We also call our wrapper free days 'Nude Food Days'. We go 'paper chasing' to help our school be clean. Outside each classroom we have a compost bucket for food scraps to put in the compost bin. We made pencil holders out of glass jars - so we try to reuse old things.
    Have fun!
    From Prep K

  4. Hi kids, at my school in Auckland we have a scrap paper box in the classroom. We use that paper for drawing and word games. We also have a food scrap bucket for our school worm farm.

  5. Hello Mr Wood. We are very excited to hear from you in New Zealand. We have a scrap paper box in our classroom too and a paper and cardboard recycling box for paper scraps.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Prep K

  6. Hi,

    I am from Fort Gratiot, Mi. I live right on the edge of Lake Huron. I save my coffee grounds and vegetable parts to compost. Also, I recycle my papers, plastic and bottles. I try to buy as little as possible and give any old clothes to used clothing stores.

  7. I'm from Texas. Our students don't start school till August 29th.

    In 4th grade last year (9 - 10 yo), only 2 brought lunch regularly. The other 100+ kids bought their hot lunches from the school. A good number of those were actually on free or reduced price lunch. The two kids that brought their lunches uses reusable containers.

    Our student council puts recycling boxes in each classroom. Once a week they pick them up and dump the paper into a special bin outside. A company sells that to the a recycling plant and the school gets a percentage of the money to fund field trips.

    Teachers and parents bring used up ink carterages and non rechargeable batteries to my room. I take them to an office supply store. They recycle them and send the school secretary gift certificates to buy school supplies for kids that can't afford them.

    Personally I pack my lunch in glass mason jars. The type of jars you use to can pickles and stuff. I make planned left overs to use as lunch. Part of the reason is it is very hot in Texas in August. It is 100F today but because of the humidity your body thinks it is 108F.

    By planning things out I can use the stove less often and avoid heating up the house.

    I'm setting up a blog roll for my students and I'm going to add your blog to it. Hopefully they can respond to your posts.

  8. Thanks Jim
    Sounds like a beautiful part of the world. Thank you for sharing your recycling ideas.
    From Prep K

  9. Thanks kherbert
    We would love to hear from your students. It's the middle of winter here so it's hard to imagine anywhere being so hot. We are in the middle of term three, with one more term (12 weeks) before the end of the year. Your school does alot to recycle! Thank you for sharing. Good luck for the new school year.
    From Prep K (5-6 year olds) and Mrs Kennedy
    Melbourne, Australia.

  10. At home I do my best to save the enviroment. It makes a big difference with the bigger recycle bins and the urges to reduce, reuse and recycle. At our house we try to put all of our recycables in the correct bin.

  11. Hi Alex and thank you for your comment. We like to hear how other people care for the environment. We are making posters to take home to remind our families to recycle, reuse and reduce.
    From Prep K


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