Friday, November 19, 2010

Our Friends!

We have been writing about our friends and why we like to be with them. We are also practising 'smooth' reading, using a clear voice and speaking so everyone can hear. Enjoy our stories.


  1. Hi Mrs Kennedy and Prep K,
    I like the way you told us who your friend is and why you like them. It sounds like you have a classroom full of wonderful children! You also read with very `smooth' voices - so it was really interesting to listen to. I think the children in KD will love listening to you read on our smartboard on Monday morning.
    Thanks for sharing your great work,
    Ms Dowling

  2. Hi Mrs K and Prep K,

    My goodness, what wonderful "smooth reading"! You are really ready to move on to Grade One just like the Preps at my school!

    Each person has thought carefully about why the person they chose to write about was their friend.

    Keep us your fabulous writing and smooth reading Prep K

    Miss Y :D

    PS I noticed a few people have lost some teeth...the Tooth Fairy must be busy!!

  3. Excellent smooth reading! My friend is Diane. She lives in Falher, Alberta, Canada. I feel sad because I live far away in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We talk to each other on the phone and visit each other on Facebook. She makes me laugh.

    All of you reminded me of who my friend is and why she is my friend. Thank you!


  4. Hi Pre K and Mrs Kennedy
    You wrote very good stories. I like how you not only told us who your friend is, but you explained why you like them. Some of you had a lot of ideas in your stories. Keep up the great work!

  5. Great reading everybody! You've made your voices very clear and easy to listen too. Sounds like you've all got some great friends! Great work.

  6. What smooth readers you are! I love that you chose to write about your friends. You told me interesting things about them so that I feel like I know what they are like. They sound like great friends.

  7. Dear Mrs Cassidy
    We are trying to read smoothly and we practise all the time. We are great friends in Prep K. We look after each other and have fun together.
    Thank you for your comment
    From Prep K

  8. Dear Miss Y
    Thank you for your lovely comment. We are very ready for Grade One. Mrs Kennedy is very proud of all our great learning.
    Have a wonderful day
    From Prep K


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