Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Action.

Today was a very special day for Prep S and Prep K at St. Luke's. In term two we made a calendar to raise money for the homeless people in our Melbourne community. Thanks to the generosity of our families and friends at St. Luke's we raised $900.00! Netty Horton from St. Vincent de Pauls came to our school today and told us a bit about her job at St. Vinnies and how our money will be used. The money we raised will go towards feeding about 400 people on Christmas day. We are so proud of our Preps and their wonderful contribution to our local community.

Our Term 2 learning that lead to this action is detailed here


  1. Wow Preps. $900, that is fantastic! You have made Christmas so much better for 400 people who probably wouldn't have had a lovely Christmas dinner and presents like we do. You should be so proud of yourselves. I bought 2 of your calendars. One for me, and I am going to give one to my Mum. I thought they were beautiful.
    Deb Vietri

  2. Hi Prep K and Mrs Kennedy

    You should all be bursting with pride at your wonderful effort to raise money to help the homeless people! I'm sure the 400 people who have a lovely Christmas dinner will be so happy because of your kindness.

    My mum volunteers for St Vinnies and I help her to deliver Christmas hampers to people with food and treats for Christmas. I can tell you that they all have such BIG smiles when we give them their hamper.

    Christmas is a great time to be giving to others...and you are a wonderful example for us all!

    Miss Y :D

  3. Dear Preps

    It was wonderful to share in your special presentation this morning. You did such a great job making your calendars. To be able to raise sooo much money and give it to people who really need it at Christmas time is fantastic.
    Netty was asked how she feels about the work she does. How do you feel about the calendars you made and the money you raised by selling them?

    From Ms Scott

  4. Hi Preps,
    You are such a clever bunch of children! You have done something very kind and really special - you must feel very proud of yourselves! Did you draw the pictures for your calendars like artists?
    Ms Dowling and KD

  5. Dear Mrs. Kennedy and Prep K,

    I am so impressed with your action. It is such a beautiful way to make a difference in our world.

    I'm sure there will be lots of smiling faces on Christmas Day. Keep up the fantastic work.

    My 2T class will be very impressed by your special action!

    from your friend, Ms. Tieppo

  6. you guys are my favorite.you do lots of cool things.

  7. Thank you Deb for buying two of our calendars. I was amazed when we sold all those calendars. I felt happy.
    from Adol

    I felt happy when you bought two of our calendars.
    from Elisa

    I was happy when we got the money.
    from Akuac

    I was amazed when we raised $900.00. It was a great action that we did.
    from Cooper

  8. Thank you Ms Scott.
    I feel very happy about how much money we raised.
    from Reuben

    I feel very thrilled beacuse we raised $900.00.
    from Jacob

    I liked making the calendars to help the poor people.
    from Dylan

    I felt excited because we gave $900.00 to the poor people.
    from Maria

    December 9, 2010 10:58 AM

  9. My goodness $900.00! What a fantastic contribution you have made to those in need!

  10. Dear Preps,
    When I saw you giving all that money to the homeless people for their Christmas Dinner, I had tears in my eyes. I am so proud of you and you remind us all that everyone can make a difference to people's lives,
    From Mrs Yore

  11. What a wonderful effort to raise $900 to provide Christmas lunch for people who would not otherwise have a lovely Christmas. You are such a generous group. I volunteer for St Vincent de Paul and love to see brilliant smiles on the faces of people, especially children when we deliver big Christmas hampers to them. Christmas is all about giving and you have given some very lonely people so much. May the baby Jesus bless all of you and your families for your unselfish giving and I hope you all have a very Happy Christmas.
    Colleen Yeomans


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