Over the term we have learnt so much about caring for animals and what living things need to grow and change. We know that most living things need food, water, shelter, exercise, rest, and friends.
We discovered that there are people in our community who do not have enough to eat and sometimes do not have a warm bed to sleep in. So we talked about what we could do to help these people and we came up with lots of ideas. Here they are:
•Give some food
•Put our money in a box and give it to the people
•Give up some of the things we have
•Go to the bank and get money
•Raise some money for the poor people
•Plant some beans
•Sing a song and people put in money
•Have a fair with lots of stuff
•Make a circus
•Have a movie night
•Bring food from home to sell – cakes, biscuits
•Do chores to earn some money
We had to go through our list and work out something we could do together to help people in our community. We decided to choose collecting food to give to the St. Vincent De Paul Society who help many struggling families.
Mrs Kennedy invited Margaret who volunteers for St Vinnie's, to share some of the work she and her friends do to help out. Margaret was very happy to hear that we were collecting food to help others. This is what we learnt from Margaret.
St Vincent De Paul gives vouchers to poor people to buy food.
St. Vinnie's helps families, school children, young people, homeless people and children from overseas.
Some people in our community don't have food.
St. Vincent De Paul helps people pay some of their electricity and water and phone bills.
St Vinnie's have a shop in Ringwood where they sell clothes and household goods.
We collected non-perishable foods all this week. We made posters to put around the school to remind everyone about our action. Each afternoon a group of Preps make an announcement to ask everyone to bring some food items.
Preps in Action! on PhotoPeach
Why is it important to help others?