Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Special Visitors from the Vet!

Today we had a visit from Erin, Alex and Erin's dog Kirri. They are nurses at the Blackburn Veterinary Clinic. We learnt all about pet care and what happens when you visit the Vet with your pet. 

Kirri likes carrots and so do I! Campbell

Dogs shouldn't have many treats because they might get sick. Hamish

All animals need food and water. Alexa

Let a dog sniff your hand before you pat it. Olivia

I learnt that if a dog comes near me and my mum and dad are not there I have to stand very still with my hands by my side and be very quiet until the dog is gone. James

Dogs have wet noses when they are healthy. Ebony

Always give a dog exercise. Simon

Dogs need friends or they will be sad. Declan

I learnt that dogs need water. Frances

Smaller dogs live longer than bigger dogs. Caitlin

I discovered dogs don't like to have noise because it makes them scared. Chantelle

When a dog is eating you should not touch it. Joshua

Dogs can't live to 100 years old. Cormac

You can't pat a dog when she is with her puppies. Sophie

If a dog is happy you can pat it if you ask the owner. Patrick

Don't pat a dog when it is sleeping. Joel

Dogs need brushing everyday. Eva

The Vets wear uniforms when they do an operation. Riley

When a dog is tied up with no owner you are not allowed to pat it. Stephanie

Dogs chew bones to keep their teeth clean. Elva

Ask your mum and dad before you pat a dog. Gracie

When you go to the Vet with your pet they give your pet a check up. Niamh

Erin, Alex and Kirri
Doctor Alexa checks Kirri's heart with a stethoscope

Vets wear a gown, a hair cap and gloves when they operate
Can you guess who?

Kirri was very friendly and calm
Thanks for coming Erin, Alex and Kirri!

Do you have a pet?
How do you care for your pet?


  1. I have a pet dog called Riley, we give her food and lots of exercise, and she loves pats. Alexa

  2. Thank you for telling us how you look after Riley Alexa. She is very lucky to have you!
    From Mrs Kennedy

  3. Hi Preps

    Thanks for sharing all the wonderful things you have learnt about caring for pets, especially dogs. I have 2 dogs, Leo and Lily. They are little dogs and I would like them to live to 100, but as Cormac said that probably won't happen. I would like to add a photo here but the blogs don't let us do that with comments. If you visit Middle S' classroom you can see a picture of them on the Middle S "pet wall".
    I look after Leo and Lily, by giving them:
    - healthy dog food
    - fresh water
    - bones once a week
    - 2 walks almost every day
    - lots of love!
    I didn't know that dogs need to be brushed every day, Eva. I need to do better there.


    From Ms Scott

  4. Hi Preps, Well I think you will all be even better pet owners after all the things you have learnt this term. It is a BIG responsibility to own a pet and make sure they are fed and looked after properly. It is everyone in the family's responsibility to share caring for them as well.
    Do the preps who have pets at home help to fed and care for them?
    Mrs Bellesini :)

  5. Hi preps,
    You have learnt so many important things about pets and especially dogs. When I was young I was always very scared of dogs. I wish that I had all this special knowledge that you now have about dogs and then I would not have been so afraid.
    Luckily now that I am grown up, I realize how friendly most dogs are and how to behave around new dogs.
    Thanks for sharing your learning,
    Mrs Verona Gridley

  6. We have 2 puppies they are 4 months old and their names are Bella and Rocky. We care for them by giving them food, water, shelter, toys, take them for walks and play with them. Olivia

  7. Hello Prep K,

    We are from another Prep class at a school not far from you. We have also been learning about animals and how to take care of them. Last week we went to the RSPCA and learnt about how to care of lots of different animals. We really enjoyed reading about your visit from the nurses from vets and we learnt lots of new things about dogs. Our teacher brought her labrador puppy into school and we learnt lots about taking care of puppies and dogs. We also had some chickens in our classroom, just like you!
    Prep W would love to share our learning with you, please have a look at our blog.

    From Prep W


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