Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What do good learners do?

All this term we have been thinking about what good learners do. We brainstormed our ideas and made a chart for our classroom to remind us every day.

Here are our ideas:

What do good learners do?

- they try their best
- they take turns
- they are patient
- they listen to each other
- they listen to the teacher
- they do creative things
- they help others
- they never give up
- they follow the rules
- they cooperate
- they think

What an amazing list from our Preps!

We have made our very first voicethread with our friends in Prep D to share with our families and friends about what good learners do.
We have also been exploring a drawing program called Tux Paint. We made our pictures in Tux Paint.

What do you think good learners do?
Please add to our list by leaving a comment.


  1. Good morning Prep K,

    You are all such great clever and so lovely. Keep up the good work. Love Susan B (Hannah B's Mum)

  2. Hi Prep K

    Wow!!!They are great ideas. Follow them everyday, each of you will be a great student and most importantly a good person.

    Love Jing (Mia's mum)

  3. Hi Prep K,

    you guys are so clever. I can't believe all the great things you are doing in Prep. Lots of wonderful learning is taking place.
    We love your creation about good learners, I think good learners have a go at lots of new things.
    Keep up the great work,
    from Kirsty


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