One of these Hairy Harrys has been in the cupboard with water. One has been in the cupboard with no water. One has no soil - but has water and sunlight.
Today we were wondering how seeds grow and what they need to grow.
We made 'Hairy Harrys' (We put grass seeds into a stocking and then put some soil in. We tied a knot in the stocking and glued on eyes. We put water in a jar and sat Hairy on top. See the slideshow below)
I wonder what will happen if we put one Hairy Harry in a cupboard?
I wonder what will happen if we put one Hairy Harry in a cupboard without water?
Some Preps thought that the Hairy Harry would grow in the cupboard and some Preps thought that it would not grow without sunlight.
Some Preps thought that the Hairy Harry in the cupboard without water might grow, but probably not because seeds need water and sunlight to grow.
Like all good scientists we will watch and observe our Hairy Harrys and record what happens!