Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hairy Harry Haircuts!

Before and after .....

Before and after ....

Today we gave our Hairy Harry's hair cuts.

I wonder what will happen now?


  1. hi prep k

    looks like you had fun cutting your hairy harry's hair! I really like the photo's.

    from amber(grade three also keira.h's sister)

  2. woo hoo, I like what you've done to harry's hair Prep K.... so will the hair stay that short now?

  3. Wow preps they look fantastic! I will have to come and visit. What did you do to help them grow so fast? Have you written any good stories about Harry?
    Great job!
    From mrs Gridley and juniorg

  4. I didn't know the Preps were hairdressers! Will their hair grow back I wonder? What do you think?

    Mrs Yore

  5. I am wondering if you could measure how fast the hair grows back?

  6. Hello,
    I am an education student at the Univeristy of Georgia. In class, we were asked to make a few comments on classroom blogs. I just wanted to say that I LOVE the Harry's Hair project. It looks like a lot of fun!



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